August 9, 2019

This morning we woke up bright and early to prepare for the helicopter ride to Nester 1. We packed tons of food and stuffed our day packs so we were ready to load the helicopter. We went out on our 20 min ride in groups of five. Both of us were lucky enough to to sit in the front seat. On our flight we saw polar bears and caribou. 

Once we arrived to Nester we each had specific jobs like setting up the tents, going through the field gear list, or making lunch. After getting settled we sat down for craft dinner and hot dogs. After lunch we had a Nester 1 orientation where we learned all about how we should save water and keep the camp clean. We also found out our tent groups so after we got our sleeping areas all ready. 

Even though we were tired we still had time to do a site. We went on a short hike where we took data on a fen. When we were all done and ready for dinner we came back to the camp for tacos. After we finished we entered some data and then had a family game night where we played Salad Bowl. 

Mesra and Corinne