August 3rd

Hour 17. The train has set to the rail. After a small delay, the motors ignite and the wheels roll towards the North. The warmth of the setting sun accompanies our visions of great adventure. Inside the train, we enjoy a nice meal of various pizzas and supplementary meals for us people with various dietary restrictions (ISAMR takes them pretty seriously... we are all fed so well, with great considerations).

Of course, the end of our day greatly opposes the start of it. Hour 5. With a punctual arrival at Kelvin, all the vehicles and humans depart for Thompson. The darkness of the crisp morning reflects a gothic undertone within the architecture and fields of Manitoba. Then again this goes unnoticed by most people as they are fast asleep, cuddled in their own corners (with more awkwardness than comfort). The adults, morning heroes they are, are driving diligently, although they definitely need sleep as much as we do. The large van may or may not have a functioning audio system, therefore we make our own with an iPhone and a pop tart box.

Hour 9. Our arrival to Grand Rapids is marked by a unanimous bathroom break, sushi rolls, and of course, a little scramble in the back of the van to find the cream cheese, hidden within one of the elusive Coleman Coolers.

Hour 12. A stop at Poncton only means one thing: poutine (per Julie's huge request)! It is a humbling experience to stop by so many little towns that are secluded from large areas of commercial prosperity. Unfortunately, fresh produce and other necessities are not as equally accessible to all citizens. Another thing to be grateful for, for all of us living in Winnipeg or Baltimore!

Hour 13. Pisew Falls can be summed up as quick hike with a fantastic view, as well as another icebreaker activity to get ourselves acquainted better with each other. Leah G. strongly believes she could survive a fall from the falls; we agree that this is up for acceptable debate.

Hour 14. Arrival to Thompson! After we unload all our luggage at the train station, we all head our separate ways, either to buy a little food (200 granola bars and 150 breakfast sausages), get pizza for supper, go on the city trail hike, or to keep an eye on our luggage at the station.

Hour 20. It has been a few hours in the train, and we have all settled in a slow routine: Memorizing all the vegetation to prepare for our next-morning, watching Lemonade at full blast, and getting ourselves comfy for the coming darkness. It has been a very linear day of travel, eating, and great conversations. I cannot wait to see what tomorrow will offer us!

Grace Ma, Kelvin High School 2017