August 4, 2019

This morning we woke bright and early at 2:30 in order to meet at Julie’s to load the cars, say goodbye to our families, and leave for the airport. After rushing through security we made our first flight. On the first plane to Minnesota most of us slept. Once we landed we had breakfast at a Twins Bar with a waitress with Minnesota nice. Then we got on our second flight to Winnipeg. We finally arrived and our host and Canadian leader, Greg, picked us up and took us to his house. 

We settled into Winnipeg and split into two groups: one to get food for the remainder of the trip, and the other to prepare the data set for adding this years data. Once we joined back together we met the Winnipeg kids, packed up all of our food, and then ate a BBQ dinner prepared by Greg and his family. Now we are getting ready to hop on a bus and travel to Thompson to catch our train for tomorrow. It’s been a long day but we are both excited for all the adventures to come.

Corinne and Calvin