August 5, 2019

We arrived in Thompson today at 6:30 in the morning. The weather was quite chilly which made for a pleasant walk into town for coffee and breakfast at McDonalds while Carla and Julie stayed to watch our stuff at the train station. Once we all had a bite to eat, we went to Walmart to gather some extra supplies. We met back up at the train station after where we had some down time sleeping on surprisingly comfortable piles of rocks. After a while, they had finally opened the train station. Once the train station opened we checked our bags and went to Pizza Hut for a some lunch. Back at the train station, we did a data collection activity on the iPads to practice for Churchill and finally boarded the train. We found our seats and at the end of the day, we did some icebreakers as a group to get to know each other better. Now we are heading to bed hoping to catch up on sleep in order to have a great day tomorrow. 

Luis and Nicole