Aug 15 - Final Field Site!

Our day started by splitting into two groups for the morning, the early risers heading out to collect data at the last site and everyone else hung back at camp. The data collection went smoothly, only slowed down by the many rocks that got in the way of probing down to the permafrost. After finishing up, we lounged on a nearby hummock before regrouping and heading back to camp. 

The other group slept in a little later. They got up, made lunch, and had breakfast before cleaning up with everyone who stayed back. They went hunting and saw two male caribou. We tried to shoot one five times but missed. We followed them around for a bit before heading back to camp to wait and see if they would return.

When both groups were back at camp, everyone did a deep clean of the entire camp. During this time our simultaneous games of blammo and assassin were in full swing. After many a town hall we won the game of assassin by uncovering Leila as the killer. We also celebrated Lizette, who won blammo and earned a pair of old bay socks as her prize! Then the dinner prep (personal pizzas) began and everyone made their own before settling down to eat and enjoy our last sunset at Nester One.

Signing off,

Soren and Michael

Julie Rogers